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Atlas Orthogonal in Five Dock

Atlas adjustment behind earWe use a chiropractic approach that focuses on the two upper most bones of your neck called the atlas and axis. If your upper neck is not perfectly aligned, subsequent imbalance of body structure will eventuate due to compensatory changes and distortions in spinal function.

The Analysis

We rely on 4 plain x-rays to calculate the degree of misalignment of your atlas and axis. This measurement is used to calculate the precise angle of the adjustment.

The Instrument

Our atlas orthogonal instrument produces a percussion wave through the stylus which is transmitted to your atlas, delivering the gentle light pressure needed to precisely move the bone.

Pleasing Results

After your adjustment, some people report a pleasant warm feeling or a sense of well being.

In rare cases, within minutes there is a relief of symptoms. But it usually requires several visits to reduce the nerve interference and relax the supporting muscles to create a healthier balanced relationship between your skull and spine.

Call Us Now

Call us today to book your appointment with one of our Five Dock Chiropractors.

Atlas Orthogonal Five Dock, Burwood, Abbotsford and Chiswick NSW | (02) 9712 1800