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Diversified Technique: The Gold Standard in Chiropractic Care

Diversified adjustment by Dr Sam

Our team values the time-tested techniques that have provided relief and improved mobility for countless patients. The Diversified Technique is one such method, renowned for its effectiveness and precision.

Using only the hands, this manual adjustment technique aims to restore healthy joint movement, decrease nerve irritation, and alleviate pain, ensuring you receive the most attentive and personalised care.

What is the Diversified Technique?

The Diversified Technique is a traditional chiropractic method that relies solely on the skilled hands of your chiropractor. By feeling for areas of restriction in your joints, your Five Dock chiropractor can deliver precise thrusts or manipulations to these restricted areas, restoring movement and relieving nerve pressure without the use of any tools.

How Does it Work?

Hands-On Precision

During an adjustment, your chiropractor uses their hands to identify joints that are restricted or not moving properly. Once these areas are found, a precise manual thrust is applied to the specific restricted part of the joint. This targeted approach ensures that the adjustment is both accurate and effective.

Restoring Healthy Movement

By adjusting restricted joints, this technique helps them move through their full range of motion again. This process takes pressure off nerves and tissues that may have been irritated or compressed due to the restriction. As a result, patients often experience a significant reduction in pain and discomfort.

Benefits of the Diversified Technique

Effective Relief: The precise manual thrusts used in the Diversified Technique are designed to restore joint movement and reduce nerve irritation. This method can be particularly effective in providing a stretch to tightly restricted areas, helping to alleviate tension and improve overall mobility.

The Satisfaction of an Audible Release: One of the distinctive features of the technique is the audible “pop” or release that often occurs during an adjustment. This sound is a natural result of the joint moving back into its proper position, and many patients find it to be a satisfying part of the adjustment process.

What to Expect

Immediate Results and Mild Soreness

After an adjustment, it’s common to hear a popping sound as the joint releases from its restricted position. While some patients may experience mild muscle and tissue soreness in the adjusted area for up to 24 hours afterwards, this is a normal part of the healing process as your tissues adjust to their new positioning.

Your Path to Better Health Starts Here

We believe in providing our patients with the most effective and personalised chiropractic care. The Diversified Technique offers a hands-on approach that has been trusted for years to deliver significant relief and improved mobility.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Our friendly staff is here to answer any questions you may have and to help you take the first step towards improved health and well-being. We look forward to welcoming you and providing the exceptional care you deserve.

Diversified Five Dock, Burwood, Abbotsford and Chiswick NSW | (02) 9712 1800